
JJJ 2016


SoCS Saturday has arrived! I will be combining my Jusjojan and my SoCS together. Here is a link to Linda’s SoCS challenge

We are to use a word starting with the letters “an” and use that word as the theme of our post. My word I choose by just typing in Google a n t i and it brought up ANTISOCIAL.

In my life, I have met some very antisocial people. As a matter of fact, I use to be one in a way. The term antisocial means basically something or someone that is not social. Does not like being social. It’s funny my mind is drifting to a picture of a ragged haired old man with a wart on his pointed nose. I have no idea why? Back to being antisocial. I use to not like being around many people. Oh, who am I kidding I still don’t! Anyways……drifting right along……I did not go to any social gatherings or large family ones either. Someone that is a recluse of sorts is antisocial. This is a stream of conscious Annette! Boy, I have been busy being social and interacting in my blog and getting caught up on posts. Off the topic. Yes, and I am trying really hard to get back there but my mind keeps floating back to Pinterest. Wow, what a trip that is. I have never been involved in that before today. I have one follower. Antisocial, I should have picked a more interesting subject to write on don’t you all think?

Enough ramblings I am done.


  1. I think you did a Good job on antisocial just think you could of picked antibiotic! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. joey said:

    I’m not fond of social gatherings. I like my nearest and dearest and that’s more than enough socialization for me! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I think you’re actually talking about “unsociable”, as opposed to “anti-social” which is more a definition of something that is “against society” or contradicting the norms of society, as in “anti-social behaviour”, but I take your point.

    Liked by 1 person

    • lol you are probably right….leave it to me to flub it up…lol sorry…thanks for catching that….

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