
Monthly Archives: May 2016


Happy Memorial Day weekend to those in the US and Welcome to another edition of Self-Discovery Sunday. I hope you are all having a blessed day! Forgive my absence last week. I had a horrible flu bug and am just beginning to feel more like my old self.

Each Sunday, I will post a prompt on here for you to use in your journal. You do not have to make posts about these on your blogs unless you want to do so. These can remain completely private. If you do wish to write about them on your blog, please include a link back to my Sunday posts so we can all share in your recovery.

Memorial Day is a holiday in the US where we celebrate those who’ve sacrificed their lives for our country in the armed forces. Many have extended this holiday (especially since 9-11) to include first responders – firefighters, police officers, and first aid attendants. It is a sacred duty to remember those whom we consider our heroes and this is something we can do any time of the year, not just on a special holiday. While in recovery for Depression and/or Addiction, we come across our own heroes who help with our recovery – therapists, life coaches, sponsors, new friends, and even some family members. Maybe you even consider a police officer or first aid responder as your hero, someone who saved your life from ruins.

My greatest hero is a therapist who finally helped me in recovery from Depression. She was the first of many therapists who actually took the time to hear my problems instead of spouting back at me to put the past in the past and move on to the future. She knew that it was my past that kept me stuck in the void. Until I released all of my anger and animosity toward those who’d wronged me in the past, there was no way I could pull myself out of depression and into the light of recovery. I am sure many of you have similar stories to tell about someone or a couple of someones who helped you with your recovery.


For today’s journal prompt, I want you to reflect back on your life when you were at your lowest. Ask yourself who helped lift you up out of that lowest point. Maybe it was a couple of people. In your journal, I want you to write a letter to that person or persons. Express your gratitude, tell them how important that moment was to you, and let them know how you are progressing with your recovery. You do not have to send this letter. This is for you to reflect back upon when you feel like there is no one to help you if a low point creeps back into your life. This letter will remind you that at one point in time, someone became your greatest hero. Enjoy the recovery!

Peace, Love & Happiness

Blogging @ As The Fates Would Have It | A Whispered Wind | Promptly Written

Creative question #4 is: Do you think you’re smarter than your boss? Since I am no longer working I will skip this question and go on to #5: Do you find watching strangers performing Karaoke entertaining or boring? 

Karaoke is no small subject in my family. The main woman in our family, my mom, is a somewhat Karaoke star here in this town. She can do a Patsy Cline like nobody else I swear! But, the question is watching STRANGERS perform Karaoke, not people I know, so I would have to say entertaining. Yes, I do find Karaoke performances by people I do not know. I love watching people anyway and it is fun and entertaining to watch people sing and dance some too! How about you? Do you like watching people Karaoke?


I have been taking part in the KINDNESS challenge wiht Niki hosting. Here is the link to find out more or just check out what it is all about. Kindness challenge

 I was surprised how many things I noticed when I was looking for it. I saw cars letting other cars pull out in a long long line of traffic. This one car let 3 people out before he took his turn. What surprised me more was the fact it was a teen or younger man doing the driving. Nowadays, the younger folk in this area are not so kind. This elderly lady I see regularly say hello to everyone she passed, not just me. Another lady at the store, had a cart with a lot of items and she let others go in front of her even know she was on her lunch break.  During my time at the store the clerk told each person “Thank you” that she checked out.  A man did not have the right change for bus fare so I paid his fare and told him “Pay it forward.” And I did that just not even thinking about it was a act of kindness. My mom volunteer’s where she lives in Senior housing apartments. She delivers lunches two times a week to folks that can’t go out. This is part of a program called Meals on Wheels. The local food bank comes to her apartment complex once a month and she sets up and helps organzie this. That is part of Food for People a local free food bank. There is 150 apartments for the Seniors in her complex. She organizes activities such as dinners out, bizarre’s, and any social type of activity going on. She is always lending a helping hand and I admire that. She is the kindest person I know and I strive to be like her. I could go on and on about the kind things she does!  This week I became aware of even the little things like smiling at someone that looks sad.  Now, my son will be traveling on the bus for 3 days starting tomorrow. It will be a long trip but I have asked him to take part in this challenge too. I am waiting to see what he observes. I have been on this ride more times than I can count and have been treated poorly by staff and other riders as well,  but also, I was treated very very good at times too. Hummmm, interesting what we see when we are looking for it. I have learned this week to become more aware of things around me. I dwell and space off on bad stuff in my mind. I have depression really bad and this challenge has shown me that I can take a break from all that madness in my mind by finding or thinking of something pleasant or kind.  I will be doing a updated post after my son arrives home from his long trip on the bus. I am exicted to see what he observes. 


I take part in SoCS with Linda  every Saturday. I know it is Sunday but give me a BREAK!  This week we are asked to use break/brake in our post. Well, I am just going to cut myself a BREAK and not stress about being a day late. So, please give me a BREAK. You see, my car had problems and I had to get a BRAKE change. I realized that my BRAKES were bad when I had to slam on my BRAKES when a car ran a red light right in front of me. My foot nearly went to the ground before my BRAKES took hold! Ok, ok, give me a BREAK, I no longer have a car with BRAKES on a car without BRAKES. I just wanted to write that because my BRAKES have went out like that before. Really, I have wanted to BREAK something all week. I really have! But, I don’t have a temper and I am not like that. Not the time to BREAK stuff in anger. Maybe once or twice I really can’t recall the last time I got mad enough to BREAK something. Ok, bye now I have broken all there is in my brain about BREAK AND BRAKE. Have a great week and check your BRAKES but don’t get mad and BREAK something. Be kind to yourself and cut yourself a BREAK!