
Monthly Archives: July 2016

Today I am again taking part in the Daily prompt go check it out! Today’s word is DRAMATIC! Here is my take on this prompt.

There is dramatic people. I have had to weed these people out of my life. It was a daunting task that had to be done in order for me to change and grow. I feel better now because of it.

The sky can be dramatic at sunset and sunrise. There are also Rainbows in the sky from time to time.

And dramatic home decor. The fact is dramatic things are everywhere. Just look!


Today is Saturday which means to me SoCS with Linda Hill go check it out! The prompt to write about or depict is “art.” So, here is my take on the word art!

The word art makes me think of two things. My sperm donor who helped bring me into this world was named Arthur. Everyone called him Art. That is all I have to say about him. LOL! Resentments can you tell? The next thing is artists and their artwork. I do not have a creative bone in my body. I am not artistic but I have one child that is extremely gifted in art. He is unique and very different. He does all kinds of things but I don’t have anything to show you just now because he is having a hard time in life and has lost much of his art supplies and artwork. He is almost 25 now and he can be found drawing on anything and everything!. I have pieces of cardboard and sticky notes with drawings on them. Even a half a roll of toilet paper when he ran out of paper. I wish I was richer to buy all his supplies and all that he needs to be creative. He also writes. His stuff is very dark and gloom but somehow to me it’s beautiful. Others have tried to commission him into doing some works of art for their homes and businesses. He doesn’t think he is good enough. He really is though. Ok, that is my take on art. typos and all…..

I have been gone again for a while and I can’t even say I am back to full-time blogging. For now,  I am just here. No writing inspiration in sight I turned to the handy dandy Daily prompt and decided oh what the hell sit down and blog a bit. So, here is my take on the word WIND! 

I live on the ocean of Pacific. And sometimes the winds get so bad  you are in fear of being blown away by them. 

The wind makes me feel free.

My spirit is like the wind.