
One-Liner Wednesday – This may become a regular “thing”

This is a challenge I came across when browsing one of my favorite blogs she comes up with fun things to blog about and she is a talented writer. Here we go one liner Wednesday……

“If it works for crying out loud don’t fix it”

This I orginally found on my ex brother in laws fridge. It only said if it works don’t fix it but I added my take on it. My brother in law would take things apart just to do it. His wife hated it. LOL But, on the real side of this quote to me is why try and fix something that in your eyes works for you. Do we fix it because someone says it doesn’t work anymore? Do we fix it because society has a certain way it is done and you do it differently? hummmmmm……

  1. That’s a line I use all the time! …without the “crying out loud” part. 😛 But I may start now! 😀

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    • Lol to funny! It was years ago I saw it and the big family joke was my BIL would just grab anything and take it apart! His house had electronics everywhere Linda. When we would tease him about it he would make up some story as to why or what on the item needed to be fixed lol!!! I found it all odd because he would take apart stuff all day and live in poverty with 4 kids and a wife cause he would not get a job! (Sorry a bit of a rant) but the quote was hung by his wife and he never got that she meant him LOL funny! I added my part. I use that quote as a reminder to not change everything about myself during this growth and changes I am going through. Sorry for long comments. Love your blog!


      • Thanks! It sounds like you have a very interesting family. 🙂

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