Challenge for growth prompts/#6/2/16/2016

I just started this challenge because I am all about growth. I started with number 2 and now I am going to play catch up the best I can. (not required) So, number 7 comes out tomorrow and I decided to work on number 6 today. Here is a link to find out more about the challenge Challenge for growth promt #6

This week is ” today I listen atentively”

We are asked to take one, two, or three days to think about this prompt. I am playing catch up so I am just going for what my mind brings to my fingers. Wih that said…..

I really was an actentive listener when I was younger. I did feel I had a voice so all I did was listen. If it was a man talking other than my husband I had to make sure I didn’t listen. Or there would be consquences. Well, you all get the picture. Now, more forward to currently.

I noticed awhile back when at a big family function that when I talked with some people there they were not listening to me really. They hardly made eye contact and would just say uhuh and yeah and shake their heads. I am not going to lie my immediate reaction to this feeling was thinking to myself “how dare they” and “what jerk’s!” But, only for a moment did I allow those negative feelings in my head. I replaced them with well “do I really listen” to everyone that speaks to me? Maybe there was a lot going on then and they could not listen atentively because their brains were not geared that way? Today, it’s about my actions and reactions to things around me. I am into self-improvement and being a atentive listener is a super awesome trait I need to practice. You would be surprised what you learn when you actually listen. From that moment on I try and practice that very thing. Listening!

I was presented last week with 2 of my sons having some major issues going on. Before when then were smaller their dad directed how we reacted to things they were going through really. I was silently active only when I was alone with them was I able to express what I thought about thier issues. Anyway, 4 years ago I started reacting. Almost too much I would have to say. I had to learn to listen more to them. This has brought us a lot closer. Back to last week. Instead of reacting or putting my two cents in while interupting their thoughts being expressed to me by actually opening up to me. I just listened. Thank goodness I did. When it was my turn to speak I had a plan on how to react because I took time while they spoke to decide what was it I was going to say or do to help. Even if there was nothing I could do as far as actions I could take. They were both receptive to me and listened, really listened to what I had to say.

I have much to learn about listening atentively for sure! But, I am learning from listening I know that. Where can you go wrong there?

Thanks Karuna for the lovely prompt!



  1. Karuna said:

    I’m glad you are seeing the value of listening closely and that your sons were so receptive to listening to you afterwards! Thanks so much for participating in the prompt.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Ok Karuna, I am done with all that I can do for now. I may do the one “do nothing” after this weekend. But, other than that I am ready to move to 7 and really think on that one!!! Thanks again!

      Liked by 1 person

      • Karuna said:

        I hope you find this one will have value to you too. I look forward to what to hearing what you learn from the experience should you choose to do it.

        Liked by 1 person

      • Going to look at it and think about it. I am going to do it either way. O want to start reading others too!

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  2. Karuna said:

    Hint #1: You might find that people will look at your challenge posts more if you include what the prompt is about in the title….. like you did with the I Unplug one. That’s probably more important than the date. I think that is probably true for the various kinds of challenges you are responding to.

    Hint #2: I was wanting to see a list of your most recent posts and when I looked for it I realized that you don’t have that list in your sidebar. That is very helpful information for people who are wanting to look through your blog. The longer you blog the less the Top post will be similar to the Recent Post list. I suggest you add the Recent Post widget and probably put it above the Top Posts lists. The Recent Post widget allows a list of the last 10 posts to show.

    I should have asked you if you wanted hints from me before I gave them. Feel free to use them or not use them and to also let me know that you prefer I ask first!!! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hints are very very welcome! It’s funny I was wondering how to word my titles of my posts to better brain readers. Thank you for the hint I will be changing them up!! Now, widgets deer widgets I am having problems with widgets. I need a widget that is the one that people can follow me via email. I need the widget on my blogroll to include my blogs that are my favorites instead of just random. I really love the idea of the recent post ones. I want to remove the category 1 because I have all my categories messed up and I can’t remove the ones that are on there. So this weekend possibly hopefully I will be getting to changing up all that. Bare with me change will happen. Thank you so much for your tips they are very good ones. Being so new at this and electronically challenged. As well as learning slower than others makes it difficult to accomplish some things. But I started this with an app on the cell phone and for 3 weeks I posted just from a phone and Here I am today now I have a computer. So if I can do that I can fix this widget issue. Lol

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      • Karuna said:

        You are doing great. Those are just ideas to make it better. And we keep making our blogs better forever. I’m glad you know about widgets!

        Liked by 1 person

      • I struggle with widgets but I know them do the things I love to hate lol. As I change my blog will change with me lol. Happy blogging!

        Liked by 1 person

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